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Summary of Findings

Consumer Reports, Stop Pain Now (2016):

Consumer Reports magazine“From backs to shoulders, knees to necks, 125 million people are in pain, spending $300 billion on pills.”

“(Chiropractic) The hands-on therapy, in which a person’s spine and other parts of the body are manipulated to alleviate pain and promote healing, dates back to ancient China and Greece. Modern chiropractors perform “adjustments,” which use strong, controlled force to manipulate the spine or joints to improve alignment and restore mobility.”

“There’s good evidence that chiropractic care alleviates lower back pain, including some suggesting that it works as well as medication (but without the side effects and masking of symptoms).”

Discover what research shows about chiropractic.


A 2010 comprehensive review found that the therapy may be helpful with joint, neck, and shoulder pain, and tension headaches. In a 2011 online survey of more than 45,000 Consumer Reports subscribers, 65% of those who had chiropractic care said it helped.”

Posture. Why It Matters:

ALL MEASURES of health status showed SIGNIFICANTLY POORER scores as C7 plumb line deviation (forward head posture) increased. Spine 2005

Older men and women with hyperkyphotic posture (bent forward/forward head posture) have HIGHER MORTALITY RATES. Journal of The American Geriatrics Society 2004

Height loss was associated with a 42% INCREASE IN CORONARY EVENTS such as heart attack, even in men who had no history of cardiovascular disease. Archives of Internal Medicine 2007

Spinal pain, headache, mood, blood pressure, pulse, and lung capacity are among the FUNCTIONS most easily INFLUENCED BY POSTURE. American Journal of Pain Management 1994

Good posture is CRITICAL TO REDUCING BACK AND NECK PAIN. Good posture does wonders for your appearance. It is imperative to making a good first impression. The study concluded that good posture REINFORCED CONFIDENCE. Ohio State University

Those in the group with upright posture reported feeling more ENTHUSIASTIC, EXCITED AND STRONG. Those with slumped posture reported feeling more fearful, hostile, nervous, quiet, passive, sleepy and sluggish.

Good posture helps open airways and ensure proper breathing, ALLOWING MORE OXYGEN TO THE BODY. This is especially important when exercising.

Good posture affects energy levels. Participants with better posture felt MORE ENERGETIC, HAPPIER AND POSITIVE. By contrast, those who slouch reported feeling sad, lonely and isolated. The University of Auckland

Individuals suffering from headaches were found to have significantly increased forward head posture (F.H.P.) with decreased neck flexor strength. There is a high occurrence of TRIGGER POINTS in the upper neck, loss of cervical curve, and evidence of upper and lower neck joint dysfunction (subluxation complex) in subjects suffering from HEADACHES. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 1992

A Little More Chiropractic, A Lot Less Pain:

Does Maintained Spinal Manipulation Therapy for Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain Result In Better Long-Term Outcome? The results:

After 10 months of study, only the group receiving 2x/month maintenance care reported continued significant long term improvement, while pain and disability scores had returned “near to their pre-treatment level” in the group receiving only their initial care and quitting (12 treatments with no further treatment). Spine 2011

In a blinded, two-arm, randomized, controlled trail that included 328 patients, age 18-65, patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups for one year: a maintenance care group that received periodic care, and a control group that returned to their chiropractor only when symptoms were present. Maintenance patients had less frequent setbacks and relapses. Multidisciplinary journal, PLOS One



Schultz Chiropractic & Acupuncture Clinical Research | (515) 270-2924